THIS WEEK: ordinary Indians become informants on Facebook
par France 24 FR
International News Coverage from an eyewitness perspective. This week's stories: 1.) India Here in Paris drivers are famous for ignoring traffic rules when it suits them. Especially at the Place de la Concorde behind me. But it's nothing compared with what happens on the streets of India. Police there have come up with a controversial new way of cracking down. Asking ordinary citizens to become informants, with the help of Facebook. 2.) Poland Now to Poland, and a row over a huge cross that was erected after the crash that killed President Lech Kaczynski and dozens of other Polish leaders in April. It was a spontaneous memorial, and secular groups say it's time to take it down... But Catholic activists want to keep it. 3.) Australia Finally today... the fad that's sweeping the world in the wake of pop diva Lady Gaga... contact lenses that make your eyes look enormous.
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